FilmLA Web design
The official film office for the Greater Los Angeles region, FilmLA, needed a drastic website redesign to function as mobile-friendly, while also meeting the needs of local filmmakers. Launched in October 2016, the whole website was migrated to WordPress, which enabled all news and media items to be presented in a more logical manner. PDF forms are now organized by location and alerts are now distributed rapidly via production planning and MailChimp integration.
As a result, the re-deisgn was distinguishly honored with a PRism Award by PRSA for the "Websites External / Public" category.
The website was visually re-freshed in 2019 to reflect the new FilmLA branding.

The Chelsea Tribe
2016 marked the launch of The Chelsea Tribe, with my co-conspirator, Bobby Carlton. The Chelsea Tribe, as a blog, aims to cover various topics in art, music, fashion, and culture.
The site is based on a customized WordPress template, which I proceeded to develop all branding, aesthetics, custom CSS, and overall visual graphics.